Zyfer 2

Hi-efficiency cooling pad




Laptop peripheral




The most efficienct portable cooling pad suits with macbook

Zyfer 2 has a huge leap in heat dissipation comparing to its previous version. By creating double air flows consistently. Its aluminum body shapes two tunnels as a radiator. Air exchanging heat after sucked in and pass through the tunnel then was pressed into higher speed, blow toward laptop to carry away the heat from the laptop. 

Cable storage

The USB connector is stored in one side of Zyfer 2's body, hidden when the device is closed. Drew by a magnet, it pops out when the user opens the device.

USB A (power input)
  • USB A (power input)

blower adjustment

1. Slience mode

2. Efficiency mode

3. Power mode

  • blower adjustment

    1. Slience mode

    2. Efficiency mode

    3. Power mode
